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A Co-Op of over 20 artists in Florence, Oregon
Featured Artists
Each month we honor one or two of our artists. These artists are a great representation of the talent and unique creations that are the focus of our exibits for the month. We also hold a reception in their honor during the Second Saturday Art Walk.
We are very lucky to have such a vast amount of talent in our gallery that we can feature new artists most every month of the year. Check out our current and previous Featured Artists on the links below.
March: Pattie / Stephanie
April: Rhiannon Griffiths
May: Judy / Tom
June: Where Art Thou? Winners
July: Kathleen / John
August: Colleen / Karen
September: Don / Mike
October: Meredith / Shelly
November: Let's Rock
December: Kathryn / Phyllis
January: Photo Shoot
February: Photo Shoot
March: Draper / Fleagle
April: WSO 24 / Winners of WAT
May: WSO Show
June: Bots and Beings Show
July: Damon-Dawson / Estill
August: McIntyre / McKnight
September: Rods and Rhodys Jewelry Galore
October: Nichols / McMahan
November: Leasure / Ignatieff
December: Little Dickens Show
February: The Authors of Backstreet
March: Ames and Brooks Anderson
April: Little Dickens
May: Lundrum and Medeiros
June: Shoe in, boot up, roll on challenge
July: Draper and Thomas
August: Dixon and Estill
September: Jacklon and Dawson
October: Leasure and Wenzel
November: Bill Johnson
December: Little Dickens
December: Little Dickens
November: Carole Hilsbery
October: Karen Nichols
September: Jacklon Manzanares
August: Meredith Draper and Jayne Smoley
July: Box Social
June: Tracy Webster and Jane Rincon
May: Caroline Estill and John Leasure
April: LIttle Dickens Winners-Rosy and Pancho Clark
March: Claudia Ignatieff and Garry Edison
January: Stormy Weather
December: Little Dickens Winners Announced
November: Geraldine McMahan
October: Jayne Smoley & Tamarah Phillips
September: Ramona Wezel & Meredity Draper
August: Jan Landrum & Jacklon Manzanarez
July: Kris DeNoyer
June: About Face Community Challenge
May: Carole Hillsbery
April: Guest Artists, Bill Jonson and Jan Woodford
March: Stephanie Ames and Pattie Brooks Anderson
February: HearTHEARTHeart
January: Pacific Northwest Wet – Gallery Wide Feature
2014 January-December
2013 January-December
2012 January-December
2011 January-December
2010 January-December
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