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Hillsbery featured at Backstreet

This November, Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, is pleased to honor nationally acclaimed artist and teacher, Carole Hillsbery. Her reception will be held November 12 from 3-5PM during the Second Saturday Gallery Tour.

While living in the dry desserts of Arizona, Carole was still able to capture all the colors of the rainbow as though she brought them from her original home in Oregon. She then mixes them with splashes of desert colors that radiate off her canvasses and watercolor paper like magic jewels. She enjoys going back to Arizona for a bit of that warm sunshine.

While adept at oils and acrylics most of her works are her vivid watercolors. Carole fills a brush loaded with color. After a few masterful strokes of strategically placed paint, she brings to life the people, scenes, animals, buildings or florals that make up her subject matter. Her use of plenty of water helps define her loose signature style as it moves across the page.


Since she loves nature, you might see her out with her camera catching enough pictures to keep her painting for a long time.


To Carole, teaching is as much fun as painting.  Beside her incredible talent, she teaches with a cheerful positive vibe that motivates her students. As much a part of her teaching is the personal relationships that she develops in her classroom. She values the wonderful friends she has made through teaching.  Mid November, Carole will be teaching a pet portrait class. Register on line at

Carole has won numerous awards for her outstanding work and is a Signature Artist in several National Art Societies, which meant multiple submissions juried in for each award. Her Signature Memberships are Transparent Watercolor Society, Western Federation of Watercolor Societies, and Arizona Watercolor Society.  In the 2014 Watercolor Society of Oregon’s traveling show Carole took a fourth place. Carole is a Signature Member of Northwest Watercolor Society.


Join her on November 12 and learn more about her work. There will be food, drink, and fun. The gallery is on winter hours and is open daily from 10a.m. to 5p.m.

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