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Claudia Ignatieff and Garry Edson Featured in March

Backstreet Gallery, 1421 Bay Street, is pleased to feature during the month of March artwork by Garry Edson and Claudia Ignatieff. Their artwork can be viewed daily from 10 am to 5 pm at the Gallery.
Garry Edson’s collection of one-of-a-kind glass etchings includes both decorative and utilitarian pieces. The etchings are hand masked and razor cut, then sand blasted with beach sand. Moving to Florence over a year ago from Alaska, Edson through his artwork wants to express the “love and respect of the ocean in my art by sharing my view of what has brought me joy.”

Claudia Ignatieff uses aqua oils to create her paintings, with animals being her favorite subject. “I want to connect with those who view my art by portraying the unconditional love of pets, and the beauty of wildlife on the Oregon Coast.”


The artists will be honored at a Reception during the Second Saturday Art Walk on March 12 from 3-5 p.m. The public is invited to attend, meet the artists, and enjoy music played on keyboard and flute by Carol Ridley, appetizers, and the entire Backstreet Gallery experience.

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