A Co-Op of over 20 artists in Florence, Oregon
Judy Fleagle
Judy Fleagle didn’t start out as an author. She taught 2nd grade for five years and 1st grade for 17 years in Los Gatos, California, and then worked as an editor/staff writer at Oregon Coast and Northwest Travel magazines in Florence for 21 years.
In 2010, she embarked on a third career. She wrote Crossings: McCullough’s Coastal Bridges (2011) and The Crossings Guide to Oregon’s Coastal Spans (2013). Because of these two books and 50+ PowerPoint presentations about the coast’s historic bridges, Judy has become known as “The Bridge Lady of the Oregon Coast.”
In 2011, Judy, along with Connie Bradley, co-founded the Florence Festival of Books and in 2021 celebrated its 10th Anniversary, after being cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic. It takes place each year in the last half of September.
Judy enjoys her life as an author. She likes being her own boss and keeping busy. It keeps her out of trouble.
Fleagle has also been a docent at the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum since 2002. During her down time, she enjoys reading (often through audiobooks) and working in her yard under the watchful eye of Sir Groucho, her rescue-cat companion.
This Florence-based author has lived here since 1985 and wouldn’t dream of living anywhere else.
This is the link to Judy’s Blog.
Below are descriptions of Judy's Books, beginning with the latest.
To order any of Judy's books:
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Living Life to the Fullest . . . after age 70!
shows what this older woman has done to make the best of my golden years. All of the following facts can be used to market the book: I started my first major book, Crossings, at age 68 and started marketing it at age 70. And all my other books were written during my 70s and this last one after age 80. I was 70 when I co-founded the Florence Festival of Books, and since turning 70, I’ve written 430 blog posts. So, I think my timing is right on this book and that the demographics are there.

The Cancer Blog: for those who’ve had cancer and for those who haven’t (2021) --A week-by-week look at navigating chemo by the author when she was diagnosed with late-stage lymphoma six years ago. She shared these blog posts with many others diagnosed with serious cancers during the years since and she was often asked to put them into book form. She finally decided to do just that, and The Cancer Blog became available in the summer of 2021.

Around Florence (2014) covers the history of the Florence area from 1876 to present day. This is the only history of Florence that covers the history beyond the building of the bridge. The book has 150 historic photos from the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum, where Judy has been a docent since 2002. Every newcomer to Florence should have this book.

The Crossings Guide to Oregon’s Coastal Spans. In June, 2021, the Updated Edition of The Crossings Guide to Oregon’s Coastal Spans became available. The Crossings Guide first came out in January 2013, and many changes have affected the bridges on the coast since then. The new Updated Edition covers those changes as well as planned future changes. The cover and photos inside look the same, but almost every page of text has had changes. This handy guide takes the reader down the coast bridge by historic bridge.
The Oregon Coast Guide to the UNEXPECTED––that which is odd, unusual or quirky (2018) covers 26 locales that made Judy take a second look during her years as a magazine editor. Some locales are man-made, others created by nature and a few show nature in action. This book has become very popular with anyone traveling up or down the Oregon coast.
Devil Cat and Other Colorful Animals I Have Known (2015) is about rescue animals that became great pets––eventually. This book is a memoir of Judy’s life as told through her most remarkable pets. Children, seven to eight and older, like this book, as well as anyone who has rescued a cat or dog.
Crossings: McCullough’s Coastal Bridges (2011) Judy Fleagle's first book, followed by, The Crossings Guide to Oregon’s Coastal Spans (2013). Because of her presentations about bridges described in these two books, Judy has become known as “The Bridge Lady of the Oregon Coast.”